Hi, welcome to my website. I am retired and throughout my life I have done many things. Recent events (COVID-19) have put a lot of us under more stress than we have ever imagined. Some of these stresses are Physical, Mental and Financial.

I personally have been affected by all three, to some extent.


As I have said I am retired but retired, does not mean dead. Retirement to me means being able to do the things you want without answering to anyone but yourself, (Obviously, within reason). Also, creating something useful, either to yourself or to others. As we get older doing physical things get a bit more difficult, but that does not mean you cannot embark on a career or pastime which is useful and possibly lucrative and profitable would be nice.


There is a saying “If you help enough people get what they want, You with get All You Want”. (I think it was a man named ZIG ZIGLAR who coined that phrase).

I have been looking for something to do with the rest of my life, that does not entail physically hard work because at my age, I don’t know how long I can keep on doing physically hard work. That does not mean that I don’t want to work anymore, keeping active in Body and Mind is important. I have looked at Affiliate Marketing as a means to help me create a website and give me the digital skills that I want in this DIGITAL WORLD that we have all been forced into.

I know from firsthand experience that some older people are having difficulties accessing NHS, Doctors, Medical Appointments (in some cases for ongoing ailments)

There is also the ever-increasing problem of social isolation which has been exacerbated by COVID-19. Many people including Older people need all the help available to come to terms with this current situation.


The Goal of this site is to help people who need some assistance to become more digitally confident in this growing digital age. 

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to use the contact area below.

All the best,